We support fast loading speeds, HTML5 video players, AdBlock (Anti Ads) for the web, tab bar, Unblock Site, Stealth browsing mode and flash player (for opening videos or games)
Unblock websites you love to visit today Quickly. Freedom on the internet must not be censored. Say NO to censoring and browsing all the web using the Anti Block Browser, and access all blocked websites at no charge.
1)Unblock sites that are blocked in your country, or
2)Protect your privacy online, because this application is a proxy browser for Android, your traffic is routed through the France server, so there are no footprints left behind if you use our application, making it the perfect solution to escape government surveillance.
✔ Flash player
✔ AdBlock (Anti Ads on the Web)
✔ Unblock Site
✔ Stealth Mode
✔ Personalize Search
✔ Fast streaming and download
✔ Anti Block browser
✔ Built-in proxy VPN for user protection and security.
✔ The fastest material design and proxy browser.
✔ Unlimited bandwidth for browsing.
✔ Free web applications, videos, images.
✔ Fast proxy server integrated, no need to set up a proxy yourself, just open the application, browse and open your favorite websites.
Please note that our Android application will ensure your protection and personal search only from within the application, proxy browsers for Android applications work differently compared to VPN. So, make sure to stay inside the application if you want to protect your privacy online or unblock websites!
Download this application today and enjoy your freedom!
Use this application wisely!